We strive for a fair migration policy

With the help of interconnected advocacy, analytical and information activities, we strive for change in the area of migration, asylum, and integration policy in the Czech Republic. With the support of data analysis and strategic litigation, and in cooperation with key parties, we will strengthen the protection of the rights of migrants.

We will prevent the deterioration of human rights standards in the field of migration and we will support the building of cooperation with entities that do not yet assert themselves in the topic, even though it affects them. With these changes and partnerships, we will create a pro-integration environment in Czech society.

We base what we do on the Migration Manifesto of non-governmental organisations working with migrants

„We wish to promote cultural diversity, to contribute to the development of a culture of respect and responsibility, and an open society that enables all people to exercise their democratic rights, regardless of the differences between them.“

What is the current situation?

The migration and integration policy of the Czech Republic is not implemented in accordance with the objectives set out in the conceptual documents of a general nature. Transparent rules are lacking, and in practice the rights of migrants are often not respected. Integration policy is managed centrally and therefore does not sufficiently reflect the needs of relevant parties such as local governments or trade unions

In some areas, there are systemic violations of migrants‘ rights – such as health insurance, tightening of return and asylum legislation that does not respect the Czech Republic’s international obligations, restrictions on migrants‘ labour rights leading to labour exploitation or their marginalization and criminalization.

The causes of the problems are structural, as the dominant administrator of migration and integration policy is the Ministry of the Interior, which promotes primarily a securitization approach to migration. The influence of employers in setting rules concerning labour migration is also growing, who then primarily take into account their interests and ignore the rights of foreigners and the interests of the state.

In the area of asylum and return policy, proposals against basic human rights principles are repeatedly submitted, some of which are then annulled only on the basis of the case law of the Constitutional Court. This development is made possible by the xenophobic attitudes of sections of the public and the populism of politicians.

What do we want to change?

We strive for the gradual improvement of most aspects of migration policy and practice in the Czech Republic. Our goal is to enforce a number of partial changes in cooperation with key parties in the field of migration and integration.

These changes will lead to an improvement in the position of migrants in Czech society.

  • Protecting fundamental rights, levelling access to health insurance or improving labour rights are all key areas for achieving a fair migration policy.
  • Part of our activities is also raising the general public’s awareness of the topic of migration
  • and its real consequences for the state economy and Czech society.
  • Part of our activities is also raising the general public’s awareness of the topic of migration and its real consequences for the state economy and Czech society.

    Association for Integration and Migration (SIMI)

    The Association for Integration and Migration (SIMI) is a human rights non-profit organization defending the rights of foreigners in the Czech Republic. It provides free legal, social, and psychosocial counseling to foreigners living in the Czech Republic. The beginning of the Association for Integration and Migration dates back to 1992, when thousands of refugees from the war in Yugoslavia came to the Czech Republic. It works with the general public to promote tolerance and combat xenophobia and racism. Employees of SIMI appear in the media, participate in discussions, seminars, and conferences while they give lectures at elementary and high schools and universities throughout all the Czech Republic. With its conceptual work, SIMI influences legislation in the area of migration and refugees, where it has long strived for a better and more accommodating setting of living conditions for foreigners in the Czech Republic.

    Association for Integration and Migration (SIMI)

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